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Everest Signature Expedition

Privately Guided Mount Everest – safety and comfort maximised

Climbing Mount Everest in three weeks with your personal dedicated IFMGA / AMGA guide – 1 : 1 ratio, with maximum support, the best possible safety and in supreme comfort.  

We offer our Everest Signature Expedition from the North and the South side – so you can choose your preferred route.

There is something inspiring and imposing about the highest mountain in the world. It is said that in order to climb Mount Everest, a good measure of humility and awareness of your own insignificance are required. But a humble approach does not require compromise on comfort and safety.

Our new Signature Expedition has been carefully crafted, to the very last detail, to create an exclusive experience on the most prestigious mountain of all. Where other operators have to compromise on safety and comfort, we’ve aimed high and established new standards.

As the most successful Everest operator, with an unrivalled safety record and summit success rate, we promise you not only the best support, comfort and safety provision, but crucially, the best chance of summitting. That’s because our Everest Signature Expedition boasts all the qualities of our now proven Flash™ Expedition, enhanced with services that are exclusive to you. This means, for example, that you will enjoy the services of your own private mountain guide, expert professional support during the pre-expedition preparation phase and several exclusive facilities. Throughout, the focus is wholly and entirely on smoothing the way for your personal journey to the summit. This is an opportunity for you to tackle the ascent in the best physical and mental shape you can be, fully prepared, and with the best support around you. So that you can then stand on the world’s highest point and experience the incredible feeling of elation – and humility – that grips you in that moment.

What to expect on our Signature Expedition:

  • All services of our Everest Flash™ Expedition North or Everest Flash™ Expedition South i.e. a minimized expedition duration of just 3 weeks through pre-acclimatization, as well as the following private services:
  • Full support (including throughout the pre-expedition preparation phase)
  • Private mentoring from Lukas Furtenbach
  • Personalized training plan put together by a professional Sports Physiologist
  • Personalized nutrition plan and consultation with a certified High-Performance Sports Dietician
  • Pre-expedition medical consultation by a High-Altitude Doctor
  • Private IFMGA / AMGA mountain guide for the duration of the whole expedition
  • 2 personal Climbing Sherpas with a minimum of 5 Everest ascents to their name
  • Premium accommodation in Kathmandu/Chengdu and Lhasa
  • 80 m2 heated dome tent with private bathroom in basecamp
  • VIP transfers
  • Unlimited supplemental oxygen
  • Unlimited medical advice from the team doctor
  • Video footage and photographs of your expedition

→ Check out our overview page to see which options we offer on Everest.

→ How much does it cost to climb Mount Everest?

→ Watch 360° films of Everest South route

→ Everest blogger Alan Arnette interviews Lukas Furtenbach

Adventure Factor brave
Experience / Emotion lifechanging
Fitness / Struggle challenging
Risk the height
Comfort luxury basecamp


  • Expedition duration of only 3 weeks (depending on weather and route)
  • possible on the North and the South side
  • Best support: Private IFMGA/AMGA mountain guide and two Sherpas
  • Mentoring by Lukas Furtenbach
  • Maximum comfort and safety
  • Professional support in preparation (training, nutrition, medicine)
  • Previous success rates of Everest Flash™ expeditions: continuously 100%
  • 2022: first CO2 negative expedition in history – more about our sustainable expedition
  • free coached training plan by Uphill Athlete

Find an interesting article about our Everest Flash™ Expedition 2019 via this link!

Trip dates:

Booking code:-
Minimum members:-
Price per person: 0

Registration for the Everest Flash™ expedition is subject to a personal consultation.

The following schedule is planned:

The exact itinerary on Mount Everest is subject to changes in official regulations, weather and snow conditions, as well as the progress of line fixing along the route. The actual itinerary may differ. Schedules of other groups are also taken into account in order to avoid any potential bottlenecks.

In addition to that service which we provide, such as oxygen, Sherpa support, base camp set-up, route selection, high camp set-up etc., a successful ascent also involves a great portion of luck, good weather, and good physical and mental strength on the part of the climbers.

We allow for maximum flexibility so that the expedition can be extended should circumstances require it, as long as members wish to do so and are prepared to bear any additional costs incurred.

The Everest Signature Expedition is operated on the North and the South route.

Pre-Expedition Preparation

Completing an Everest expedition in such a short period of time (just 3 weeks), is only possible with meticulous preparation. All clients must have a good level of experience both in the mountains and at high altitude. In the months leading up to the expedition, clients will have to undergo intense physical and mental resilience training. With our Siganture Expedition package, you will be given private support throughout this period.

Your journey to the roof of the world starts off with a personal consultation meeting with Lukas Furtenbach, where you will discuss interim goals, your training schedule and set the framework for the mentoring relationship. You will have access to a range of experts, maximizing the benefits of your pre-expedition preparation.

To ensure you start the expedition fully prepared and in top physical condition, you will be given a full medical consultation with the focus on high altitude activity, a qualified personal trainer and a nutrition plan tailored to your personal needs by a dietician.

We also attach great importance to completing a thorough acclimatization program. For the Signature Expedition this requires a hypoxic tent and generator in your home. Each client will have an acclimatization plan tailored to them which will enable them to pre-acclimatize up to an altitude of around 7,000 m over the 8-week period leading up to departure. In this way, we can do away with most of the tiring and potentially dangerous acclimatization ascents in the Everest region. This in turn means we can substantially reduce the duration of the expedition.

If you have any questions, please refer to our FAQ section or contact us directly.

NORTH SIDE: Day 1-5: Kathmandu and journey to Everest Basecamp

Day 1: Arrival and get-together at the hotel in Kathmandu.
Arrival at Kathmandu airport KTM not later than 11am in order to apply for the Tibetan visa in time!! Meet and greet the other climbers in the hotel gardens. A great adventure awaits us, and our journey is soon to begin. You can feel the anticipation, excitement and joy.

Day 2: Last preparations and free time in Kathmandu
Those who are not yet familiar with Kathmandu will fall in love with it. Relax in the comfortable hotel, shop and people-watch in Thamel, enjoy the cultural programme, or simply soak up the atmosphere. It’s up to you.

Day 3: Flight to Lhasa, capital of Tibet – probably one of the most stunning mountain flights in the world. You might even catch a glimpse of Everest. Rest of the day free to explore Lhasa’s old town or enjoy a traditional Tibetan dinner.

Day 4: In the morning, there’s time for sightseeing: the Potala Palace, the former residence of the Dalai Lama and the Jokhan Monastery which demonstrate the rich culture of this beautiful country. Later we start our journey to Shigatse (3,800m) where we will spend the night at a decent but clean hotel.

Day 5: Transfer to Everest base camp (driver’s camp) at 5,200m. The journey leads over the Tibetan Plateau to Rongbuk Monastery where we have lunch and some time to explore. Then we move on to driver’s camp where we start preparations for the ascent.

Day 6-17: Acclimatisation and summit attempt

Day 6-7: Ascent to advanced base camp (ABC) at 6,400m via middle camp at 5,800m. Get-together with the ABC team and set up our tents.

Day 8-17: We will do one rotation to North Col (7000m) and then head back to basecamp for recovery. Our Sherpa-team has already installed three high camps at 7,000m (North Col), 7,800m and 8,300m. Then we wait for a weather window for our first summit attempt.

 After the steep glacier climb to the North Col we stay at Camp 1, follow the less demanding North Ridge which leads us to the Northeast ridge, where we stay at Camp2 at about 7,800m, and then Camp3 at 8,300m. From here we cross below the Northeast Ridge to the Northwest Face and then back to the ridge with the secured 1st, 2nd and 3rd steps (all secured by rope) and finally we tackle the summit face.

 From ABC onwards, oxygen is available. At the camps we will also sleep with oxygen. There is plenty of time for a few days of rest and a second attempt at the summit.

Day 18 - 21: return journey and flight home

Day 18: After our (hopefully) successful ascent, we now have to say goodbye to our Nepalese Team. We wander back to drivers’ camp and prepare for our departure.

Day 19-20: Transfer back to Kathmandu with probably overnight stay half way.

Day 21: Journey home.

SOUTH SIDE: Day 1-8: Kathmandu and journey to Everest Basecamp

Day 1: Arrival and get-together at the hotel in Kathmandu.
Meet and greet the other climbers in the hotel gardens. A great adventure awaits us, and our journey is soon to begin. You can feel the anticipation, excitement and joy.

Day 2: Helicopter flight to Kote at 3580 m. During the flight we are surrounded by the impressive rocky mountains of the Himalaya.

Day 3-8: Acclimatization at Mera Peak. Trekking to and ascent of Mera Peak.

Day 9-21: Mount Everest Base Camp and summit attempt

Day 9: Heli flight to Everest Base Camp (5330m), from where we will prepare and plan the ascent of Mount Everest.

Day 10-21: Within these days we will reach the summit of Mount Everest. The advantage is that we have only have to climb through the Khumbu Icefall once during the ascent and descent, as we already have acclimatized to a six-thousand metre peak and therefore do not need any further acclimatization rotations. We wait for the right weather window for our first summit attempt. From Basecamp we will climb to Camp 1 and further on to Camp 2. From Camp 2 (6400m) we have Oxygen at our disposal. In Camp 3 (7160m) and 4 (8000m) we can also sleep with oxygen.  There is enough time for rest days and a second summit attempt.

Return journey and flight home

Return journey and flight home

check_circle_outline  Included:

all services marked with * are exclusive components of the Everest Signature Expedition

  • * Initial meeting with Managing Director Lukas Furtenbach to discuss the plan and mentoring
  • * Mentoring by Lukas Furtenbach throughout the whole time before and during the expedition
  • * Pre-expedition medical consultation
  • * Training program created and accompanied by a personal professional coach
  • * Individual nutrition plan and advice on performance optimization and potential maximization by a professional high-performance dietician
  • Hypoxic tent and generator for up to 8 weeks prior to expedition
  • * Private IFMGA/AMGA mountain guide (1:1 ratio)
  • * Single room in first class accommodation on arrival and return (or the best available accommodation available on site)
  • Full board for the duration of the trip
  • All drinks included in Basecamp
  • * VIP transfers
  • Customs clearance at the Chinese (Tibetan) border, if arrival via Nepal
  • Baggage transport to basecamp & back
  • * Private, heated, 80m² large, luxury Dome tent in basecamp with bed, office desk and private bathroom
  • * 2 personal Climbing Sherpas with minimum 5 Everest summits each
  • * Oxygen package with mask & 8L regulator and O2 bottles (unlimited oxygen supply)
  • High camp equipment (tents, stove, gas, dishes, food)
  • Use of fixed ropes along the route
  • Waste transport away from Basecamp
  • High altitude porters for the entire team
  • * Unlimited medical consultation around the clock by the team doctor during the expedition
  • * Global Rescue Membership for Evacuation and Rescue
  • * Video documentation of your expedition
  • Insurance and equipment for Nepalese staff
  • Emergency medical oxygen
  • First aid kit, high altitude emergency medicine, pulsoxymeter
  • Kitchen crew
  • Comfortable, heated group tent, shower tent, etc. at base camp
  • Satellite communications and WIFI for a fee and depending on availability
  • Solar charging
  • Two-way radio for each climber
  • All summit fees & permits*
  • Weather updates
  • Safety and liability of an EU based tour operator

*Please note: Permit prices may increase for the upcoming season. This increase will be charged to the client.

highlight_off  Not included:

  • International flight to/from Kathmandu or Chengdu
  • Excess baggage fees on included flights
  • Personal insurance
  • Visa for Nepal or China
  • Shipping costs for hypoxic tent and generator outside of the EU and US
  • Personal medications
  • Tips
  • Personal mountain and climbing equipment
  • Fees for satellite phones, Wifi
  • 2 x Summit bonus for personal climbing Sherpas
  • All services not specifically mentioned in “What the price includes”

About the Furtenbach Adventures Everest Expeditionen

We run a unique style of Everest expedition with maximum oxygen and Sherpa support to achieve the highest level of safety and highest chances of success. The exclusive nature of Furtenbach Adventures makes our expeditions stand out from the rest – maybe even a bit better.

  • We benefit from 20 years of experience in organizing expeditions to eight-thousand-meter peaks in the Himalaya and Karakoram mountain ranges.
  • We employ experienced, state-certified (IFMGA/AMGA) mountain guides, together with a team of proven Everest Sherpas.
  • Our climbing Sherpas have summitted Everest multiple times over and are highly skilled at knowing exactly how they can best support our climbers during their summit attempt.
  • In contrast to many other tour operators, we provide the most advanced, most reliable and easiest oxygen system available on the market, from Summit Oxygen.
  • We provide unlimited oxygen* to each of our climbers with regulators that are specially designed for us. This means our clients can breathe at a higher flow rate while climbing and can sleep using oxygen from Camp 1 (North Col), thereby conserving energy.
  • Our climbers are better acclimatized by the time they arrive because they have already started their acclimatization process at home, 6-8 weeks prior to the start of the expedition. All high-altitude generator equipment is delivered to your home and collected when training is completed and includes a training plan and expert supervision. We take care of everything.
  • We provide one of the most comfortable base camp facilities ever to be seen on Everest.
  • The food that our kitchen teams produce is outstanding, turned out from a base camp kitchen on a glacial moraine at the ends of the Earth

Everest Flash Expedition on the Northside or the Southside
Classic Everest Expedition on the Northside or the Southside

Mount Everest Signature Expedition South Side, Graham K., UK

Who would have thought that it would have taken three years from when we first met to reaching the summit. Throughout this time the support and professionalism from you and your team has been outstanding. Sandra and Patricia have been relentlessly efficient and encouraging. Always responding quickly and never leaving any question unanswered. Meeting and getting to know Luis of course was a major step towards success. His experience, professionalism and patience as we worked our way across the Spaghetti route, Putha Hiunchuli, Pitztal and Ecuador were instrumental in building my confidence and I enjoyed learning new skills along the way. I will always be grateful that you matched us up and that Luis stuck by me throughout the three years, right up to the final descent. A truly exceptional man.

The team of Sherpas lived up to the high traditions that we have come to expect. Kunga and Ang Kaji were omnipresent. Quietly watching, offering support and when I really needed them most they were massive shoulders to lean on.

As to the main expedition – everything was exactly as you said. The logistics worked brilliantly, base camp was very comfortable, the food was excellent, the company great and even the weather was perfect. If there was something to suggest that would have improved the experience I would say. But there is nothing to add. Very well done Lukas and knowing that you were in the background for any last minute questions was very reassuring.

Many thanks for a great experience.

Mount Everest Flash™, Hakan B.

Furtenbach Adventures offers a unique mountaineering experience by perfectly combining safety, comfort, and technology. I was thrilled to join the Flash™ Expedition team led by Lukas Furtenbach in May 2019. His leadership, top professional guides and a team of incredible Sherpas have helped us reach the summit on time and return safely to the basecamp during a season of very challenging conditions. The organization utilized technology in the best way possible. More importantly, safety was the top priority in every single moment of the expedition. Oxygen tanks are the most crucial units on Mount Everest and thanks to the dedication of the Sherpas, there were plenty of tanks for everyone along the way – up to the summit. I slept in an altitude tent for 2 months ahead of the expedition to get acclimatized for the mountain. The tent simulates higher altitudes by reducing the amount of oxygen which causes an almost impossible environment to sleep in. However, acclimatizing for two months allowed our team to reach the summit in a much shorter time. Thank you, Lukas and the team for your incredible efforts. Highly recommended for this once-in-a-lifetime experience!

Mount Everest Flash™, Gabriel P.

It has been a 5-week wonderful adventure on this superb and historical Everest north-east ridge. Views are amazing and climbing is of high interest on that route. A precise and secure organization is a key success factor in such an environnement and Lukas and the whole Furtenbach team are doing amazingly well at that exercise. Great memories!

Mount Everest Flash™, Marc-Antoine  L.

Perfect organization. Safest way to climb up to the summit and come back down, safe. 2 experienced sherpas/climber + lot’s of oxygen for the summit day are key. Every possible detail is being thought off to make the days at the base camp more comfortable : large individual tent, efficient hot shower, correct food, large common tents etc… Preparation in the head tent during 8 weeks at home is long with many uncomfortable nights of bad sleep, but this pre acclimatization perfectly works up to 7000m ! Don’t hesitate to go back to shigatze (3-4 days) after the acclimatization in ABC to get back in shape.

info  General Infos

Tour operator for this trip: Furtenbach Adventures.

Despite modern equipment and tactics, high-altitude expeditions still present an enormous challenge. Aside from technical and fitness requirements, it is the altitude itself that presents the largest obstacle. For our Everest Flash™ Expedition, we use pre-acclimatization in a hypoxic tent at home. It is essential that Everest Flash™ climbers adhere strictly to the training and acclimatization programme (see our FAQs).
Weather and conditions on the mountain can lead to itinerary and/or route changes. Climbers take part in the expedition at their own risk and individual responsibility. Furtenbach Adventures assumes no liability for accidents, damages or loss of materials.

If you are not sure that taking part in an expedition like this is the right thing for you, feel free to contact us on Tel +43 512 204134 or e-mail [email protected] for a personal consultation.

This package in general is not suitable for persons with reduced mobility.

https  Insurance

We strongly recommend taking out a travel insurance (including trip cancellation, interruption, medical and luggage insurance). For this journey, the Global Rescue Signature Travel Insurance is suitable. The price of the insurance depends on the trip and the personal data of the traveller. We happily make you an offer after booking or upon request.

To cover search and rescue costs in the mountains, we ask our expedition members to take out a “medical only”-membership at Global Rescue. This membership can be concluded here before departure: Further information are provided after your booking.

language  Entry Requirements

EU or Swiss citizens:

When entering the country, you need a passport with a validity of at least 6 more months.
You can get a visa on arrival directly at the airport or in advance directly at your embassy.
We recommend to get a “multiple entry” visa for 90 days.
Get further information directly on the official website:

Once you arrived in Kathmandu, we’ll apply for a group visa for Tibet. Necessary documents will be collected by Furtenbach Adventures in advance. The application process might take some days. Costs for the Chinese visa are included in the trip price.

Information about recommended vaccines and health regulations:

Travelers must be able to prove their return or onward ticket when entering the country.

More detailed information regarding entry, visa and health requirements for this travel destination will be provided once you’ve communicated your nationality.

work  Equipment

Unless specified in the detailed trip notes, all high camp equipment is provided by us. You need to bring your own personal equipment such as down clothing, expedition boots, an insulated sleep mat and a sleeping bag with a comfort range of -20 to -25 degrees Celsius for the high camps. Once you have booked we will send you a detailed equipment list. We are happy to advise you on the selection and purchase of any equipment required. With years of expedition experience, we know what works and what does not.

insert_chart_outlined  Difficulty / Technique

The ascent is the individual responsibility of the climber under the guidance of a mountain guide or expedition leader. Climbers must be able to move safely and independently over mixed ground (rock, snow, ice) and – if required – build rope teams independently under the supervision of the mountain guide / expedition leader. Cooperation, camaraderie and support on the mountain increase the chances of success for everyone. The guide is there to provide guidance for the whole group and can only respond to individual needs to a limited extent. It is imperative that climbers adhere to the instructions and decisions made by the mountain guide. Irrespective of this, each member must know his or her own physical limits and, if required, make the decision to turn around in good time.

For expeditions offered by us, unless otherwise specified in the trip details, we require the following from climbers: the ability to clip in and out of fixed ropes independently on rock, snow, ice and corn snow slopes, as well as the ability to use crampons and ice axes to move over mixed ground independently. On climbing sections, and in dangerous or exposed situations, fixed ropes are attached by mountain guides and by the Sherpa team.

perm_identity  Physical Fitness

A key factor to an expedition’s success is good physical fitness. Train hard in the months leading up to the expedition! Several hour climbs with a pack on your back and negotiating 1000 meters of ascent in a day should not pose a problem for you. You have to carry your own personal equipment on the mountain, unless you have booked a personal Sherpa. The porters are there for the whole group, to set up the high camps and secure the route with fixed line. We will gladly provide individually tailored advice on how to best prepare yourself mentally and physically for an expedition.

local_hospital  Health

We recommend that every climber undergoes a medical examination prior to departure. Good health is a prerequisite for any expedition. A visit to the dentist is particularly advisable, because previously undetected dental problems can become acute due to the sudden change in pressure at higher altitudes.

check_box  Experience

We know how alluring and attractive an eight-thousand-meter peak can be. However, we’d like to make sure that you are able to climb the mountain safely, come back down safely and are able to enjoy the expedition while you’re on it and not just afterwards. Therefore, in order to embark on one of our eight-thousand-meter peak expeditions, you must already have some high altitude and mountaineering experience. When booking, please indicate what altitude you have already attained and which high peaks you have climbed. If you are a beginner, we offer a bespoke programme aimed at getting you ready for your chosen objective.

In order to participate in our seven-and six-thousander expeditions, you should have at least some experience on some of the four-thousander peaks of the Alps or other mountain ranges. Our offer for newcomers applies here as well: we can train you to become prudent and safe high-altitude climbers! For Everest take a look at our “Getting Ready for Everest“-program!

We offer a special introductory weekend for all those who want to learn about – or refresh their knowledge of – the skills and techniques required on an expedition. More info here.

payment Payment

Unless otherwise agreed, a deposit of 20% of the tour price is to be paid when receiving your invoice, but earliest eleven months before the end of the tour date. The balance must be paid 20 days prior to departure. Please find more information regarding payments in our GTC.

directions_run Right of withdrawal

Clients have the right to withdraw from the travel contract at any time, paying any cancellation fees specified in the General Terms of Conditions of Furtenbach Adventures GmbH.

For expeditions to 7000 and 8000-meter peaks, the following fees apply for cancellation on the part of the client prior to travel: up to 3 months prior to departure 50%, within 3 months of departure 100%.

The tour operator will be released from the contract if the specified minimum number of members is not reached and if the customer has been notified about the cancellation in writing within the following periods: up to 20 days prior to departure.