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Here to Succeed

100% Success.
You are used to nothing but success. And we want it to stay that way even on the highest summits of our planet. To achieve this, we invest in the very latest scientific, medical and technological developments of our time, revolutionizing high-altitude mountaineering and setting new standards. For your safety and most of all for your success. This is our guarantee as the most successful operator on Everest.


Science of Success

Next expeditions

  • Everest Flash™

    Time is a valuable commodity. By climbing Mount Everest in just 3 weeks we are fundamentally changing the way high-mountaineering expeditions are run. With increased safety and chance of success.

    € 103.900

  • Carstensz Pyramid

    The Carstensz Pyramid with its 4.884 m, is the highest mountain of Austral-Ozeania and at the same time the smallest of the Seven Summits. But you should not let yourself to be misled by the small size of this mountain. The “Puncak Jaya” – “Victory Mountain” as it is called in the native language, is deemed as one of the more challenging Seven Summits from a climbing point of view.

    € 21.990

  • Manaslu Flash™

    Acclimatization for this expedition is already done at home. While a traditional Manaslu expedition takes around two months, our Flash™ Expedition saves time and additionally increases safety and chances of success. (3 weeks only)

    € 31.900

Our adventures

FURTENBACH ADVENTURES STANDS FOR challenge, passion, desire, adventure, courage, mental strength, selfconfidence, victory, honor, excitement, Freedom, independence and lust for life. mail_outlineNewsletter subscription